Love, Now

In BeLoved relationship
now –

modern elder,
refined lines,
silvered hair.

More touch craved.
Intimacy curated.
Explorations of re-membered Souls.
Wanderings taken through dilated minds
and in bodies made soft, delicate
by the passage of time.
With gentle intentionality,
fierce penetration
of Hearts broken wide open repeatedly.

Conversations – rich, infinite, deep
while the wondrous sea
teases our entangled feet.

Meandering walks in The Untamed Woods,
silently communicating
as Kindreds are wont to do.

Nourished by
succulent food,
mystical tonics,
wild-crafted wines,
quiet evenings spent 
luxuriously entwined 
in sheer awe of The Big Sky.

A taste of Blessed Divinity at play:
you were always coming my way,
and I
preparing for you, 
my wildest dreams
come true.

Marie’s Lamentation

The Mother gave birth
To three daughters
None of whom
Would ever bore another.

Two of the daughters –
The eldest and the youngest
No longer carry their uterus.

Two surgeries-
The one, reluctant to wake from Anesthesia’s deep slumber.
The other, she almost did not recover.

The only daughter with all organs intact,
Chose to walk a childless path.

The Mother
is sad
Blaming herself
for the end of the family line.
No legacy, only perceived decline.
Why”” she asks, wailing at her Fate.
Did I
in Life
make a horrendous mistake?”