WoMen and Men

At their core,
in their essence –
WoMen and Men –
how different are they?
are there feelings
in a WoMan
that a
cannot access
if he so chose and intended;
if he were allowed to be
who he really is
without the burden
and misconceptions
placed on him
since he a little boy child?

same with WoMan-
are there feelings and thoughts
in a Man
that a WoMan could not
and express
if she felt free,
less tightly contained,
and truly seen?

We’re Human –
is all –
the masculine and the feminine,
Light and Dark.
Yin and Yang,
the need for Love,
for gentle touch,
in all.
Everything else,
a grand illusion
for simplicity
and convenience,
exacting a heavy
societal cost.